Natural Immune Booster

Echinacea is an immune booster. But did you know echinacea may help prevent or treat more than just infections?

Herbal Health Benefits of Echinacea

Overview of echinacea's health effects and which conditions it may help prevent or treat.

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Is Echinacea a Proven Immune System Booster?

An outline of immune system effects by the 3 main species of echinacea, and a review of some of the controversy over whether or not echinacea can boost your immune system.

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Natural Herbal Help for Bad Breath

What causes bad breath? How can echinacea help?

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Relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Naturally with Echinacea

Research shows the immune system plays a role in CFS, and echinacea could help treat it.

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Can Echinacea Help People With COPD?

Combined with other herbs, echinacea could improve lung function.

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Lower Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetics

Preliminary research suggests echinacea may help people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

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Echinacea Help for Gingivitis

Clinical trials suggest echinacea can help prevent and treat gum disease.

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Herbal Help for Heart Attacks

Research suggests echinacea can help repair heart tissue after a heart attack.

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Echinacea and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Research suggests that echinacea may warrant further investigation for therapeutic benefits in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

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Antiradiation Benefits of Echinacea

Animal and clinical studies suggest echinacea can protect your DNA from radiation damage.

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Herbal Treatment for People With Uveitis

Echinacea's anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects may be beneficial to those with autoimmune uveitis.

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